Ways to
support us.



At Abilities Group we welcome your support to enable us to continue the great work we do. You can support Abilities Group in a number of ways including volunteering, donations, fundraising, and leaving a bequest. Volunteers can offer their time and skills to help with various tasks and programs. Financial gifts, whether one-off or regular, can provide valuable ongoing support to individuals with disabilities. Leaving a bequest in your Will is another meaningful way to make a lasting impact. Every contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities through the employment opportunities it enables us to provide.


Volunteering is a valuable way to support Abilities Group’s mission and work to provide disability employment and create a sustainable environment. As a volunteer, you can offer your time and skills to help with various tasks and programs. This might include working within our recycling teams, assembly and packaging work, organising events, projects, providing administrative support, or assisting with fundraising campaigns. We are part of Volunteering Auckland and welcome anyone interested in helping us including workplace team volunteer days, individuals, school and church groups or higher education centres. Volunteering can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to develop new skills, build relationships, and make a difference in your community. To find our more about how you can volunteer please contact Akenese Tagiilima


At Abilities Group we rely on the generosity of donors like you to help us continue our important work in supporting people with disabilities. Abilities Incorporated is a registered charity. Our charity number is CC29453 and donations over $5 NZD are tax deductible.

Your donation can make a significant impact on the lives of individuals who may face unique challenges and barriers in accessing the resources they need to thrive. Every contribution, no matter the amount, helps us provide vital services such as vocational training, social support, and education opportunities to our community. We are committed to ensuring that every dollar donated goes directly towards improving the lives of those we serve. Donating to Abilities Group is simple. Please contact Jun Meng at who can provide our bank account details and also a tax receipt.

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